Aug 30, 2009
Welcome to The Mom Union
I founded The Mom Union for a few reasons. First, I believe in the concept of "ethical sweeping." Ethical sweeping is the practice of only entering for giveaway products you can actually use. Sure, the call of Ebay is strong, and you can make some money by selling items you win and don't need. For example, a woman who is no longer breast-feeding enters a contest to win a shirt designed for breast-feeding. The woman wins the contest for an item she doesn't need, sells it on Ebay and makes a little money. How much money? Well, it doesn't really matter because it's pure profit, right? Now, let's think about a woman who IS breast feeding and enters to win that shirt specially designed for breast-feeding. She doesn't win a product she could really use because the other lady, who doesn't need it, won. Personally, I enter loads of sweeps, and I win quite a bit. I would increase my "wins" if I were to enter giveaways for products I don't need, but I choose not to. Why? Because I don't need it. I can't use it. And, as far as Ebay goes, I'll never bank as much as the product is worth. I'd rather the winner be someone who will to have a product that suits her needs. By hosting giveaways for products suited for older children and their parents, I'd like to offer "win" opportunities for those groups in hopes of fostering ethical sweeping.
Second, I see a lot of innovative items for pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers, and mothers of small children. I think those products are great and the companies that sponsor the giveaways are very kind. There will always be babies, and there will always be companies that focus their products on the wee little ones. I'd like to fulfill the needs of teens, tweens and "seasoned" moms. My goal is to present products and introduce companies that appeal to our group such as stationary, clothing, jewelry, electronics, goodies and gadgets. There's tons of great stuff out there, and The Mom Union will be the place to find them. Suggestions are always welcome and certainly appreciated.
My daily blogs will focus on those drama-filled days of teenhood and the mothers who are suffering through it. Just a few short years ago I was the coolest person in the world, and now, according to my daughter, I'm soooooo embarrassing. Kisses on the cheek, forget it. Calling out "I love you!" when you drop off your child to school, don't. She'll "Just Die." Remember the phone? I see the cord running under my daughter's door, but for an actually sighting, I haven't seen the phone in a year. Does any of this sound familiar? Does your child talk in text speak, like "OMG!" and "BRB, mom!" Have you been told that "Things were different when you were a kid?" Then you should join up NOW! We can help each other through this trying time of parenthood known as the "teen years." We can do it together. It's going to be okay.
Join The Mom Union. You can sign up by placing my main button on your blog. Do please follow my blog and subscribe to my newsletter and feed. The greater our numbers, the greater the amount of items I can offer you. Grab the Early Enrollment Bonus button to receive extra entries for upcoming contests. The Early Enrollment Bonus button code is only available for a limited time, so get yours now!
Aug 29, 2009
Giveaways for teens and moms of teens
These items expire midnight 8/30
Geared toward teens:
- Ponds Moist Towlettes 30 count pack
- Famous Footwear $100 GC:
- Famous Footwear $100 GC:
- Famous Footwear $100 GC:
- Famous Footwear $100 GC:
- Famous Footwear $100:
- Carolina Pad (Arv: $75)
- Rizzos Tees:
- UPrinting 250 cards (winner pays shipping. this would be good for teen note cards or grad announcements)
- Gap Jeans 1 pair up to $70:
- KoloBags Laptop bag:
- GreenSmart Laptop Cover & Water bottle:
Other giveaways out there for moms. Non-maternity/breastfeeding (Don't get me wrong. I'm all for breast feeding, I just don't need that stuff now.
- Yoplait Whips:
- Yoplait Whips:
- Fiber One Yogurt:
- Pur Water Pitcher:
- Body Systems (body care) :
- Pilsburry back to school:
- Simply Pillsbury:
- Glimpse Skincare:
- Seventh Generation Cleaning:
The McDonald's Diet by Casey
I recently lost 40 lbs. I've still got a little to lose, but I can see big changes in my body. I guess my friends can see the changes too, because many of them have been asking how I did it. I'll share my secret with you. I've been eating nothing but fast food - anything I want off the menu. There are only 2 rules to this diet: you have to bring your kids with you and you can't bring any food home.
Here's a typical meal on my diet: First, place your order. "I'll take one chicken nugget Happy Meal with fries and an orange soda for Michael. The lady will have a hamburger meal with apple dippers and a chocolate milk. I'd like a double cheeseburger with fries and a coke, super-sized." Really, you can order anything you want!
Take your food and the kids to a table and wait for the dieting magic.
Pass out everyone's food. Open the chocolate milk. Oops, forgot Katie's straw. Go back to the drink station and get her one.
Sit back down. Bring that hot, tasty burger to your lips and ...
"I need ketchup for my fries." Check to see if Katie needs any ketchup while you're up. She doesn't. Return to the drink station and get Michael some ketchup.
Sit back down. Pick up your warm burger for that first bite of cheeseburgery goodness and ...
"Ahh, my milk! My milk!!!" Katie has spilled her milk. Head back to the drink station for some napkins to clean the mess. Wipe up the table, floor and child. Throw away the wet napkins.
Sit down, pick up your room temperature burger and ...
"I need more ketchup." "Already!" "Yes, Mooooom, I can't eat my fries without ketchup." *sigh* "Fine." Return to the drink station, your home away from home, for more ketchup.
Sit down, throw a rubbery fry in your mouth before anyone can say anything and ...
"This burger isn't plain. I wanted a plain burger. This one has stuff on it!! I can't eat it unless it's plain." She never said she wanted plain. Go up to the counter and get her a new burger. Plain.
Sit down. Pick up your freezing cold burger, bring it to your mouth and ...
"There's no ketchup on this burger." Are you freaking kidding me??? Stomp up to the drink counter and get her some ketchup.
Sit down, shove the burger in your face and take a bite. Pick up a fry and ...
"I need more orange soda." Curse under your breath, grab the stupid cup, return to the damn drink station and fill up Michael's drink. Return to the table. Check your watch. Oh, crap! It's time for school. Throw everything away and rush the kids out the door.
Total food consumed: Two fries and one bite of cheeseburger.
Total calories: about 30
Aug 11, 2009
Handmade by Heather - Reusable Sweeper Pads
I try my best to be green, but with our budget the way it is, my biggest “green” concern is the dollar bills I’m trying to hold on to. So one day as I was strolling through the yarn section at the local craft supply store (my second home) I happened upon a really cool solution to my sweeper problem. Knitted sweeper covers. Woo hoo! Why didn’t I think of that? I grabbed the pattern, took it home, and altered it for crochet.

What I like most about my crocheted sweeper pads is that the single stitch crochet pattern I use creates lots of bumps and grooves. This traps dirt and scrubs with much less effort than the disposable covers. I make these pads in sets of two, one for sweeping and the other for mopping. When you’re finished, just pull the pads off and pop them in the wash. These puppies are made to last. I live in a townhouse designed for four with a kitchen built for one. So I have to sweep and mop often, and I’ve been using the same pair of sweeper pads for more than three months.
I think you’ll love these as much as I do, so I’m gonna share the love.
What you can win:
One lucky reader will win a set of two floor duster covers in green.
This giveaway is open to U.S. addresses. You must be at least 18 years old with a valid e-mail address. You do not need to be a blogger to enter. If you do not have a blogger I.D., please enter your email address in each comment. If you do have a blogger I.D. with your email visible in your profile, you don’t have to waste your time entering your e-mail address in your comments.
Offer a tip on how you reduce waste when cleaning your home. You MUST do this to be eligible to enter the contest.
Extra Entries: (You know you want ‘em)
1. If I sold these sweeper covers, what would you consider a good price?
2. What colors would you like to see available?
3. Subscribe to my e-mail newsletter. Enter “Subscriber.”
4. Follow via Google Friends. Enter “Following” & username.
5. Follow me on twitter (see sidebar.) Enter “Twitter” & username.
6. Grab my button. Enter “Button’s up” & link.
All entries will be verified prior to awarding the prize.
Contest ends at 11:59pm CST on Thursday, September 3rd. Winners are drawn using a Random Integer Generator and will be announced here and by e-mail. The winner will have 72 hours to respond to the e-mail notification. If the winner does not reply within the set time limit, a new winner will be chosen.
Book Review: Faces In The Fire by T. L. Hines

Thomas Nelson Publisher
Reviewed by Heather Goldsmith
Faces in the Fire follows the lives of four characters on a journey of self-discovery. Kurt, Corrine, Grace and Stan are flawed human beings with dark pasts and less than bright futures. Through unseen forces, a catfish, and numbers scribbled on a napkin, their lives intersect and intertwine. As the story of their lives unfolds, each if faced with the choice to continue down the path of destruction or take the road to redemption.
Author T. L. Hines weaves an intricate and suspenseful story. At times, I did find his shifts between each character’s past and present to be frustratingly short and choppy. But despite this small fault in composition, the story is excellently written. Emotionally charged, Faces in the Fire is one of those books that grabs you and holds you to the end. I cringed at each character’s missteps and cheered their development. I thoroughly enjoyed Faces in the Fire and recommend it without reservation.
To find out more about Faces in the Fire, please visit the following links:
1. Faces in the Fire's Thomas Nelson product page:
2. Faces in the Fire book preview: See widget on left sidebar.
(I am a member of Thomas Nelson’s Book Review Blogger program. Besides receiving a free copy of the book to review, I have not been financially compensated in any way. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. To learn more about Thomas Nelson’s Book Review Blogger program, please visit the following link: http://brb.thomas .)
Aug 6, 2009
A Circle of Souls Giveaway

By Dr. Preetham Grandhi
Sweetwater Books Publisher
Reviewed by: Heather Goldsmith
In a small, quiet town ten-year-old Janet Troy is abducted by a mysterious and disturbed man. When her backpack is found on a Senator’s property, FBI Agent Leia Bines is called in to quickly and quietly solve the crime before the Senator’s bid for the Presidency is jeopardized.
Naya is a young girl brought to an emergency room after a vivid sleepwalking episode leads her to the edge of a second story balcony. On call child psychiatrist, Dr. Gram, consults on her case. He admits her to an inpatient child psych ward for observation and her own safety. Through her dreams and drawings, Naya reaches out to Dr. Gram in an effort to still her sleep and save other potential victims of the mad man. Can these four strangers come together in time to solve the ever deepening mystery surrounding them?
In A Circle of Souls, Dr. Preetham Grandhi deftly weaves seemingly unrelated sub plots into an intricate story. Personally, this book grabbed me from the very first page and held me to the last. The suspense builds in this fiction thriller as the characters develop personal insight and involvement by necessity or professional dedication. Particularly appealing and of note is Dr. Preetham Grandhi’s integration of his cultural background and his professional experience as a child psychiatrist into this intelligent thriller. I’ve read all the greats, and A Circle of Souls holds its own. This is a definite must-read.

Oh look! A Giveaway!
What you can win:
One lucky reader will win a signed Advanced Readers Copy of A Circle of Souls.
This giveaway is open to U.S. addresses only. You must be at least 18 years old with a valid e-mail address. You do not need to be a blogger to enter. If you do not have a blogger I.D., please enter your email address in each comment. No anonymous entries allowed.
Answer this question: What is your favorite genre? You MUST do this to be eligible to enter the contest.
Extra Entries: (You know you want ‘em)
1. Subscribe to my e-mail newsletter. Enter “Subscriber.”
2. Follow via Google Friends. Enter “Following” & username.
3. Techno fave me. Enter “Techno” & username.
4. Follow me on twitter (see sidebar.) Enter “Twitter” & username.
5. Grab my button. Enter “Button” & site.
All entries will be verified prior to awarding the prize.
Contest ends at 11:59pm CST on August 28, 2009. Winners are drawn using a Random Integer Generator and will be announced here and by e-mail. The winner will have 72 hours to respond to the e-mail notification. If the winner does not reply within the set time limit, a new winner will be chosen.
Aug 3, 2009
Manic Monday
2. You's think insomnia would have an upside, but it doesn't.
3. There are a lot of song about Monday or with Monday in the lyrics. So I know I'm not the only one.'
4. Mondays will be upgraded to "Cool Status" when school begins.
Thought on Mondays?
Aug 2, 2009
Disclosure Policy
August 29, 2009
Regarding Reviews and Advertisements:
- This blog accepts compensation in forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions and product samples. Compensation may be the basis for topics or posts made in this blog and may not always be noted as compensated content.
- Regardless of compensation the operator of this blog will provide only honest opinions, experiences and/or conclusions on topics or products being reviewed. Opinions expressed on this blog are solely those of the reviewer or operator of this blog.
- Manufacturers’ product claims, statistics, quotes or other representations about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
Regarding Contests/Giveaways:
- All rules and directions for entry into giveaway promotions will be specified in each contest post. Any Entrant who does not agree with these rules should not enter the giveaway.
- Only one entry per household is allowed and entrants must be over the age of eighteen (18) at the time of entry.
- All giveaway winners are drawn randomly. Winners are announced on The Mom Union and notified via email.
- The Mom Union reserves the right to change terms of contests offered here at any time without notice. Use of this website constitutes agreement to and acceptance of all such terms, conditions, rules and notices.
- This website is not responsible for providing awarded prizes and will not award cash value in case a prize becomes unavailable for any reason.
- If a prize is not received in a reasonable amount of time (usually 6 to 8 weeks,) please notify me at and I will contact the sponsor for details.
May 15, 2009
The McDonalds' Diet
Now, to the comic relief:
The McDonalds Diet, by Casey
I recently lost 40 lbs. I've still got a little to lose, but I can see big changes in my body. I guess my friends can see the changes too, because many of them have been asking how I did it. I'll share my secret with you. I've been eating nothing but fast food - anything I want off the menu. There are only 2 rules to this diet: you have to bring your kids with you and you can't bring any food home. Here's a typical meal on my diet:
First, place your order. "I'll take one chicken nugget Happy Meal with fries and an orange soda for Michael. The lady will have a hamburger meal with apple dippers and a chocolate milk. I'd like a double cheeseburger with fries and a coke, super-sized." Really, you can order anything you want!
Take your food and the kids to a table and wait for the dieting magic.
Pass out everyone's food. Open the chocolate milk. Oops, forgot Katie's straw. Go back to the drink station and get her one.
Sit back down. Bring that hot, tasty burger to your lips and ...
"I need ketchup for my fries." Check to see if Katie needs any ketchup while you're up. She doesn't. Return to the drink station and get Michael some ketchup.
Sit back down. Pick up your warm burger for that first bite of cheeseburgery goodness and ...
"Ahh, my milk! My milk!!!" Katie has spilled her milk. Head back to the drink station for some napkins to clean the mess. Wipe up the table, floor and child. Throw away the wet napkins.
Sit down, pick up your room temperature burger and ...
"I need more ketchup." "Already!" "Yes, Mooooom, I can't eat my fries without ketchup." *sigh* "Fine." Return to the drink station, your home away from home, for more ketchup.
Sit down, throw a rubbery fry in your mouth before anyone can say anything and ...
"This burger isn't plain. I wanted a plain burger. This one has stuff on it!! I can't eat it unless it's plain." She never said she wanted plain. Go up to the counter and get her a new burger. Plain.
Sit down. Pick up your freezing cold burger, bring it to your mouth and ...
"There's no ketchup on this burger." Are you freaking kidding me??? Stomp up to the drink counter and get her some ketchup.
Sit down, shove the burger in your face and take a bite. Pick up a fry and ...
"I need more orange soda." Curse under your breath, grab the stupid cup, return to the damn drink station and fill up Michael's drink.
Return to the table. Check your watch. Oh, crap! It's time for school. Throw everything away and rush the kids out the door.
Total food consumed: Two fries and one bite of cheeseburger.
Total calories: about 30
May 10, 2009
Exp 5/11 The Mommy Files: Fushion Brand Cooking Gadgets
Exp 5/11 The Downtown Boutique: Sugar Fly Pendant
Exp 5/11 So Much More Than A Mom: Joolwe G/A
5/10-16 Monkey Mayhem - Baby Week
Exp 5/11 Monkey Mayhem - Family Auto Stickers
Exp 5/11 Mommy Musings - Finish Quantum and Jet Dry
Exp 5/11 Mama Makes Money: Nacho Mama Tee
Exp 5/11 Look What Mom Found: Nachomamas t-shirt
Exp 5/11 Label Daddy $50 GC
Exp 5/11 Days like These: Dropps Laundry Detergent
Exp 5/11 Busy Mom - Coffee Bean Sampler
Exp 5/11 Blondes, Poop and Mascara - PZI jeans
Exp 5/11 Blessings Abound - Lime Ricki Swimwear
Exp 5/11 A Little Etsy Love - Another Leaf Memory Game
Exp 5/11 A Giveaway Addictted Mommy: Finish Quantum g/a
Exp 5/11 A Daily Dose Of Toni - Pink Vado Camcorder
Exp 5/11 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires : Hotel For Dogs DVD
Exp 5/11 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires - Funky Kidz Cd
May 9, 2009
Exp 5/10 The Life Of A Home Mom - Chlorox Canisters
Exp 5/10 Oh hey, what's up - Joolwe
Exp 5/10 Mommy Mandy - Sticky Words
Exp 5/10 Lillyshaystyle - Tiny Dew Drops
Exp 5/10 MomsTakeOnThings - Subway P.E.P. Rally
Exp 5/10 Eight MPH Mom - ELF cosmetics
go straight to her site at or click on her button or blogroll link on the sidebar. Good luck to all.
Exp 5/10 BusymommyProductReviews - Yoplait Kids Pack
Exp 5/10 Audrey's Spot - Country Bob's BBQ Sauce
Exp 5/10 An Island Life - Body Shop Collection
Exp 5/10 A Couch With A View - N-fini shapewear
Exp 5/10 A Couch With A View - A Whole Lotta Pampering
May 8, 2009
Exp 5/10 100CafeStreet - Cake Vase
also see and
Exp 5/9 Design Baby - Tiny Tag
Exp 5/9 Coupon Queens - Chagrin Valley Soap
Exp 5/9 Blisstree- pingg cards
Exp 5/9 Blessings Abound - Things Remembered
Exp 5/9 An Island Life - Kiss My Face
Exp 5/9 A Psych Mommy - Things Remembered
or click the A Psych Mommy button on my sidebar.
Good Luck to All, Heather
Exp 5/9 A Giveaway Addicted Mommy - NNichols Giveaway
May 7, 2009
Exp 5/8 Sanity Is For Those Without Children - Firefly
Exp 5/8 The Girl In Paradise - Break Pal
If you find out you've won, come back and post so I know where to come steal it. Oops, did I say that? I meant, come by your house and personally congratulate you. Yes, that's what I meant. Seriously. No worries.
Exp 5/8 Three Different Directions - Romano Grill Kit
Exp 5/8 Thrifty Maven - Bride Wars DVD & Paper Shouts
Exp 5/8 A Daily Dose of Toni - Photofiddle $50GC
Exp 5/8 3 Kids and Us - Things Remembered
May 6, 2009
Exp 5/7 Simple Finds - Get Your Spring On
Exp 5/7 Rave and Review - Joann Transfer bag
Exp 5/7 Piece of Me - Layers $25 GC
Exp 5/7 Mama Makes Money - Nikita Lynn Giveaway
Enter here:
Exp 5/7 Jolly Mom - $50 Happy Green Bee credit
Exp 5/7 Feisty Frugal & Fabulous - Pences Giveaway
Exp 5/7 Feisty, Frugal and Fabulous - Breathe Natural
Exp 5/7 Eighty MPH Mom - Finish Detergent
Exp 5/7 Eighty MPH Mom - It's a Glam Thing
Exp 5/7 Cool Baby Kid - Invisible Stripes Tee
Exp 5/7 Baby Loving Mama - Things Remebered
Exp 5/7 Any Lucky Day - Boog bag
Exp 5/7 An Island Review - Suncare Giveaway
Exp 5/8 A Couch With A View - Dora table toppers
Exp 5/8 A Couch With A View - Florastor
Exp 5/7 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires - Lapton Skin
Exp 5/7 3 Garnets and 2 Sapphires - Envirosax
May 5, 2009
Exp 5/6 As They Grow Up - Ahnu Shoes
Win your choice of Ahnu shoes at As They Grow Up
Exp 5/6 A Hook, A Line, And A Girl - Joolwe
May 4, 2009
Exp 5/5 My Organized Chaos - Praireland skin care
Exp 5/5 Mama Makes Money Girly Giveaway Extravaganza
Giveaway #35 Win a $25 GC to RainbowSwirlz Enter here:
Giveaway #36 $25GC to Lemon Lollipop
Enter here:
Giveaway #37 Choice of earrings: Ms. Peacock Singlefeather, Octopussy Rectangle in white or black or Octobussy Seagrass in white or black from This Ilk
Enter Here:
Giveaway #38 Win a Luxe Funk-tional Compartment Laptop Sleeve in Pink Flutter from Melissa Beth Designs
Enter Here:
Good Luck To All
Exp 5/10 Hip Mama's Place - 7 Days of Fabulous
Seven. Days. Of. Fabulous. There, you made me say it. Now get over there and enter ASAP. (Be sure to read her instructions, they are very specific. Don't DQ yourself.)
Exp 5/5 Good Golly Miss Blondie - Top It Off Accessories
Exp 5/5 Feisty Frugal and Fabulous - Kinesys sunscreen
Exp 5/5 Eighty MPH Mom - Amino Genesis Cream
Exp 5/5 dkmommyspot - Save Your World shamoo & conditioner giveaway
Exp 5/5 Blessing Abound - Hallmark gift card set
Exp 5/5 Blessings Abound - Clean and Green
Exp 5/5 An Ordinary Life - Kodak digital frame
Exp 5/5 A Wresting Addicted Mommy - Softsoap starter Kit
Exp 5/5 A Wrestling Addicted Mommy - Carolyns Aprons
Exp 5/5 A Hook, A line, and a Girl - Break Pal
Exp 5/5/ A Daily Dose of Toni - Haagen Daz Ice Cream
May 3, 2009
Exp 5/4 Happily Blended - Basa Body package
While you're there, please read her very informative blog and learn more about Mom It Forward
Exp 5/4 Hip Mamas Place - Bracelets
Exp 5/4 Jolly Mom - Trendy Peas Painting
Exp 5/4 Lisa Reviews - Hallmark Card Package
Exp 5/4 Mami's Time Out - Pilates DVD
Exp 5/4 Maria's Space - Break Pal
Go to Maria's Space and enter for a Break Pal Memebership (she's giving away 3!) This is an exercise program that pops up at an interval you set yourself. If it's not a good time to take a break, you can exit out easily and it will pop up at the next interval. This is so awesome! You can enter here and while you're over at Maria's Space read more about the Break Pal
Exp 5/4 Mommy Goggles - Cloth Couture
Exp 5/4 Mommy Goggles - Medibag G/A
Exp 5/4 Mud Bug - Dole $25 Coupons
Exp 5/4 My Mom's View - Lavish & Lime $25GC
Exp 5/4 My Mom's View - SlimPerfect
Exp 5/4 My Sentiments ExactLee - Kiss My Face
Exp 5/4 Pho for 5 - Tiny Prints Necklace
Exp 5/4 Red Sox Mommy - CLR prize back
Exp 5/4 Simply Being Mom - Douglas Plush Toys
Exp 5/4 Simply Being Mom - Dr Fresh Giveaway
5/4 Tara's View of the World - Sinupret prize pack
Exp 5/4 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires - KinEsys sunscreen
Exp 5/4 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires - Edible Gifts Plus $40 GC
May 2, 2009
Exp 5/3 Crazy Working Mom- Photofiddle GC
Exp 5/3 An Island Life - Sunfiltered Giveaway
Exp 5/3 - I Stop Mom - Magna Play Giveaway
Weekly Wrap Up - Heather's Hurricane Winners
1. Berri Sweet Picks for the photo book contest. This a really cute site. Informative and fun. Please give it a look see.
2. I Like Pretty for choosing me the winner of her mystery prize giveaway. Follow the link and read my entry. I'm so funny. Speaking (or rather, typing,) of funny - check out her cool crafts at I never thought of art for the shower, but now I ralize how under-utilized that space is for art display. Of course, only my family will be able to enjoy it, but I have plans. Bwah ha ha. When people come in my house, I'll tell them as politely as possible that they "reek" and suggest the take a shower. Now. In my shower. I can hear the complements rolling in already.
3. Green Earth Journey for her e-mail newsletter. If you have a teenage daughter or if you are interested in emerging research regarding women, please read her post
Thanks ladies. You've officially won Heather's Hurricane! What is Heather's Hurricane, you might ask yourself. Well, here's your answer. I'll roll thru your sites with a storm of favoriting: stumble, kirtsy, facebook, digg, technorati, etc. (I think you get the idea.) Good times. Good times.
May 1, 2009
Exp 5/2 This Mom Can Shop - Ruthless & Toothless
Exp 5/2 The Not So Blog - Sparklehearts
Exp 5/2 Pretty Pink Momma - Chocolate gift!
5/2 My Organized Chaos - Stationary Set
Exp 5/2 - My Organized Chaos - Candleland
Exp 5/2 Maria's Space - Bella Bejeweled $25GC
Exp 5/2 Mama Makes Money - Dapple
Exp 5/2 Mama Makes Money - n-fini-shape
Ladies who do...
Her giveaway was a mystery prize (I just LOVE surprises!) To enter, one needed to create a plot for a movie whose title must begin with "Ladies who do..."
For some reason I can't cut/paste my entry so you could read it here. It you'd like a treat, go thru the link above and it will take you to the contest page. Please do. It's a great site and if you need a laugh, it's the place to go.
Rosalie is a stand-up comedian and a water-proof shower art maker. I had no idea such a market existed, but now we know. While you're there to read my entry, poke around the site and see her shower art which ranges from "pretty to weird". It's a blast!
Exp 5/2 Blessings Abound - Reusable Tote
Exp 5/2 An Island Life - Photofiddle $50 GC
Exp 5/1 - The Glamorous WAHM - Pearl Bracelet
Apr 30, 2009
Exp 4/30 A Wrestling Addicted Mommy - Hallmark
Apr 29, 2009
Exp 4/30 3 Peas in a Pod - Wonderful Walls
Exp 4/30 3 Kids & Us - Pretty Peacock Giveaway
Exp 4/29 MomStart - Tucker Bags
Exp 4/29 Mommy Goggles - Spray-n-Wash
Exp 4/29 Mommies With Cents - Hoohobbers
Exp 4/29 LI Reviews - After Dark Horror Fest
Exp 4/29 Is It Monday Already - Tyson Anytizers
Win 2 coupons for free Tyson Anytizers
Exp 4/29 Go Graham Go - Powder Art Set
Exp 4/29 Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls -
Exp 4/29 Feisty Frugal And Fabulous - Tshirt
Exp 4/29 Feisty Frugal And Fabulous - Peppers and Pollywogs
Exp 4/29 Feisty Frugal And Fabulous - Om Shanti
Apr 28, 2009
Exp 4/29 Donna's World - So Easy Baby Food
Exp 4/29 Donna's World - Piggy Paint Giveaway
Exp 4/29 dkMommy Spot - Selestial Soap
Exp 4/29 dkMommy Spot - Beauty Without Cruelty
Exp 4/29 Dealicious Mom - Clipo Hippo
Exp 4/29 Cristy's Creations - Cherrios Book Pack
Exp 4/29 Blessings Abound - Twisted Silver bracelet
Exp 4/29 As They Grow Up - Umi Shoes
Exp 4/29 As They Grow Up - Spa Time product
Exp 4/29 An Ordinary Life - Pepsi Throwback
Exp 4/29 An Island Review - Safety Tats GA
Exp 4/29 A Hook...A line...and a girl - Muvee GA
Exp 4/28 Piece of me - Momspit GA
Exp 4/28 - My Good Cents - EZ-Clean Rack
Apr 27, 2009
Exp 4/28 - MomStart - Tessuta bag GA
Exp 4/28 Mommy Mandy's - Vicks Gift basket
Exp 4/28 Green Mama's Pad - Sweet Pleasures
Exp 4/28 Double Bugs - ME4Kids
Exp 4/28 dkMommy Spot - Jasco Makeup GA
Ezp 4/28 Cool Baby Kid - Polka Dot Boutique
Exp 4/28 Berry Sweet Picks - "Colors My Day" GA
Exp 4/28 Baby Lovin Mama - Piggy bank GA
While you're there be sure to read the money saving tips.
Exp 4/28 - As They Grow Up - Tyson GA
Exp 4/28 As They Grow Up - Tshirt GA
Exp 4/28 Any Lucky Day - anti-fatigue floor mat
Exp 4/28 An Ordinary Life - Dinner GA
Exp 4/28 An Ordinary Life - Hanna Montana GA
Exp 4/28 An Ordinary Life - GA
Exp 4/28 A Little Bliss - Avon Breast Care Awareness GA
Apr 26, 2009
Exp 4/27 Mommy's Idea - Scrapits Keepsake
Exp 4/27 Mommy's Idea Palm Palms
Exp 4/27 Mommy Goggles - Mom Day Card Collection
Exp 4/27 Mommy Goggles - CVS Photo Book Credit
Exp 4/27 Diana Rambles - Photofiddle $50GC
Exp 4/27 Delicious Baby - Reusable bags
Exp 4/27 Cool Baby Kid - Skyoozmee bib
Exp 4/27 Confessions of a Psychotic Housewife - Joolwe
Exp. 4/27 Christy's Creations - Betty Crocker "The Mixer" GA
Exp 4/27 - As They Grow Up - Mally Bib GA
Exp 4/27 An Ordinary Life - PUR Water Filtration Pitcher
Exp 4/27 An Ordinary Life - Elliot Lucca Handbag GA
Exp 5/8 Rockin' Mama - Bride Wars GA
Exp 5/7 Rockin' Mama - 1st time parents dvd
Exp 4/27 A hook, a line, and a girl - coin bank
Exp 4/26 Pink Lemonade of Life - Royal Tart Teapot
exp 4/26 My Organized Chaos
4/26 An Organized Chaos - Dream Sacks Gift Set
Exp 4/26 An Organized Chaos - Clever Rabbit Onesie
Apr 25, 2009
Exp 4/26 Life in a house of blue- swiggies
Exp 4/26 Life In A House Of Blue
Exp 4/26 Life In A House Of Blue Jillie Willie Apron
Exp 4/26 Go Graham Go - Tomat Tee Giveaway
Exp 4/26 Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls n-fini giveaway
Exp 4/26; Feisty, Frugal & Fabulous - Ergo Baby Carrier
As They Grow Up - Crazy Dog Tee
at As they Grow Up
As They Grow Up - Baby Banz
Mama Makes Money - "Running with Scissors"$20GC
Apr 24, 2009
MommyMandy - Mabel and Me Dress
Design Baby Uneaks shoes & socks
Design Baby - Shandle
Design Baby - Snorgtees T-shirt
An Ordinary Life - Yoplait Kids Get Active!
An Ordinary Life - Graco 4-in-1 Highchair
From Melissa's Desk _ Exergen Temporal Scanner
Feisty Frugal & Fabulous - Word Decor 'n More $25 GC
Feisty Frugal And Fabulous - Rain Co Ladies Boots
Blessings Abound - $100 GC to Hip Fusions
As They Grow Up - Lunch Bots
Apr 23, 2009
A Wrestling Addicted Mom - That's Caring Gift Basket
A Wrestling Addicted Mom Purex Detergent Fabric Softener.
A Wrestling Addicted Mom - chlorox wipes
at A wrestling addicted mom
A Wrestling Addicted Mom - Bride Wars
A Busy Mommy - Photofiddle
If you haven't had the chance to look around Photofiddle, give it a view. While you're cruising the I-way (internet highway) take a pit stop at A Busy Mommy to check out her informative and useful reviews.
Jleigh Designz - Kneehighs & Ponytails $50 GC
Barfoot Mommies - Combat Ready Products
Enter for your chance to win the Combat Ready body balm and lip balm